Sustainable Farming Through Sustained Relationships
World Environmental Solutions delivers its services through partnering with experts in farming and livestock management throughout the world. Currently the team is working with dedicated professionals in India, North and Central America, North and East Africa and the Asia Pacific to revolutionize livestock feeding regimes in countries where continuity of animal feed has been uncertain and often expensive.
Meet some of our international colleagues who are at the cutting edge of green livestock management.

In New Zealand
The SUPERFIBE® process in New Zealand is currently licensed to Superfibe Limited, owned and operated by directors Rick Braddock, Arthur Rendle and Dan Witters. Each member of the New Zealand team has established track records as leaders in their country’s agricultural sector and as pioneers in sustainable farming and livestock management. The team in New Zealand, in partnership with Massey University, is nearing the completion of relevant testing with treated baled pasture, baled lucerne and open stack covered maize silage to comply with local protocols.
The team has invested close to one million dollars as part of a rigorous evaluation regime.
On the left are some of Arthur's recent photos. The good-looking guy holding the yellow glycerol container is Rick! You can read more about Rick, here.

In Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Sudan
"SUPERFIBE® sera une solution pour le monde entier non juste pour l'Afrique du Nord."
"SUPERFIBE® will be a wonderful solution for the whole world and not just for North African countries."
Mr. Mounir El Bouamri
One of North Africa's leading entrepreneurs and business people

In Venezuela
"SUPERFIBE® is a game-changing product that most farmers can use as a complement in their feeding regimes for beef and dairy cattle. SUPERFIBE® as a supplement will increase farm productivity."
Dr. Alfredo Garcia Gavidia
PhD in Animal Nutrition
M.V. Msc in Animal Science
Leading Veterinarian, with consulting operations throughout Central America

“Para el año 2030 se triplicara la demanda de alimentos (FAO),"SUPERFIBE® Superfibe es tecnologia innovadora eficiente y productiva para alimentacion animal que protege el medio ambiente. En Venezuela es necesrio hoy dia producir alimentos de manera eficiente y a bajo costo, Superfibe es la mejor alternativa agroecologica para incrementar su produccion."
"By the year 2030 the global demand for high quality animal feed will triple (FAO). Superfibe is an efficient and productive innovative technology for animal feed that protects the environment. In Venezuela it is necessary today to produce feed efficiently and at low costs.
Superfibe is the best agroecological option for livestock management that I know of."
MV Carlos Melean Silva
Consultant Veterinarian with professional interests in sustainability and environmental stewardship. Dr. Silva hosts a weekly radio program in Venezuela which is broadcast throughout Central and South America

In the Indian Subcontinent
Major SUPERFIBE® operations are scheduled to commence in the Indian Subcontinent in July 2022 under the guidance of Dr. S. N. Singh, managing director of BIOVET Pty. Ltd, Bangalore (specifically in the states of: Karnataka and Maharstra).
Dr. Singh is one of his country’s leading veterinarian scientists with specific expertise in Bacteriology, Virology and Immunology. Within these fields, he has earned a formidable reputation through his multiple peer-reviewed contributions in world-class scientific journals.
Dr. Singh is the recipient of awards for research excellence and innovation and has worked throughout the world at the cutting edge of his domain.
Dr. Singh believes that a SUPERFIBE® operation within his country has potential to quickly generate massive wealth but, more importantly, make a major dent in India’s carbon emissions levels.

Dr. Singh receiving an Economic Development award from Thailand’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Singh honord by New Delhi’s Health Minister for his contribution to vaccine development in India.

Dr. Singh being presented with a Science and Technology Development award by the Indian government.
The immediate region around Jinja, at the Source of the Nile, Uganda is a true Garden of Eden with excellent farming opportunities. Despite its potential, poverty among farmers is at historically high levels, not only because of climate change, lack of knowledge about modern farming practices and depleted soils, but also because export markets for fresh produce and the processing of horticultural crops are virtually non-existing.
Amelia Agro’s strategic management and technical operations of agriculture and processing units are safe in the hands of Eng. Jan Willem van Es, an experienced manager and entrepreneur, who came in 2011 to Kenya and moved in 2017 to Uganda. That is where he saw the agricultural potential and needs of the farmers in the region.
Today Amelia Agro is a thriving and diversified agro company. It provides animal feed products and organic fertilizer production using non-conventional ingredients, collected as by- and waste products from agri and food factories in East Africa.
We are happy with our partnership with World Environmental Solutions, an international organization pursuing a strategy which is complimentary to ours. Together we will be a strong team to reduce the environmental footprint of the animal husbandry sector in East Africa and beyond.
NatuLogic SUPERFIBE processes waste materials that were traditionally discarded, thus significantly reduces huge volumes of methane emissions.
Through supplying our NatuLogic SUPERFIBE value-for-money fermented feeds we intend to shift the paradigm, raising the standard of living and improving the livelihoods of many rural communities.”
Engineer Jan Willem van Es
Amelia Agro Africa Ltd.
In East Africa